Enrolment Process

Enrolment Process

An enrolment at Tyndale generally follows the steps listed below:

The following documents must be received by the School Office before we can consider your application:

It is Board policy that all parents/guardians/carers (living with the child or children) must attend an enrolment interview.

At the time of the interview stage, there will be ample opportunity for you to ask questions and have a tour of the school if, you have not done so previously.

All students from Years 1 – 12 will undertake a literacy and numeracy assessment as part of the enrolment process to assist the school in determining the correct placement in year group and course.

Enrolment Enquiries

Enrolment applications are being accepted for Preschool, Prep, Kindergarten, and Years 1 to 12. Places for certain year levels fill quickly so please return your application as soon as possible to commence the enrolment process or if you would like a school tour prior to completing a form, please contact us via the contact details below:

Email enrolment@tyndale.edu.au or call (02) 8811 7800.